You know, “bicker” doesn’t sound like it would be a bad thing. It sounds like “frolic” or something. Like, let’s all go frolic and bicker in the garden (and gyre and gimble in the wabe, while we’re at it). I don’t know, I was just thinking about that today at work.
I had one of my movie dreams last night, one of those dreams where there’s a cohesive storyline and characters and a point and everything. Of course, some things were kinda odd, but all in all it was really good. I remember waking up around 5 (when my cell phone suddenly went off – 4th time that night, from some weirdo private number who hangs up after the first ring) and remembering the dream and thinking, “wow this is really good!” and then going back to sleep to continue it (and it did).
I have these dreams every so often, and they usually incorporate themselves into whatever comic I’m working on at the time. Y’know that other comic idea I’ve been working on for a while? It’s about five or six movie-dreams pieced together.
Anyway, I woke up this morning and couldn’t remember it. This is ’cause mom woke me up by touching my arm and going, “DO YOU HAVE A FEVER?!” I’m like, “no, it’s just frickin hot in here” and that made me forget it. I do remember it was something about being in a large ship, down in the bottom, hiding from some bad guys and trying to save these people and horses.
Some idiot smashed our mailbox last night. I mean, smashed it bad, knocked it off the pole and made it completely unusable. Who does that? I mean, that’s so stupid. It looks like whoever smashed it didn’t realise that it was metal underneath the wood, though, so I hope it really, really hurt their arm. I ought to make a mailbox out of brick or something, and then cover it in plaster so it looks harmless…